Stevens Towing Delivers Paper Mill Components from Maine to Georgia

Stevens Towing delivered 2 Tadd Rolls (78 metric tons each) and 1 Yankee Dryer (133.5 metric tons) to the GPA’s Mayors Point Terminal in Brunswick, GA for a paper manufacturer in Macon, GA. The three pieces were trucked from Brunswick to their final destination in Macon. Most of the route from the manufacturer to the paper mill was over water. The two Tadd Rolls along with five exhaust hoods were loaded onto our RWS 1501 150’ x 55’ ABS deck barge in Portland, Maine and towed to Charleston, SC. Our tug, Island Trader handled towing duties on this leg of the trip. The Yankee Dryer was manufactured in Europe and shipped to the US via container carrier. In Charleston, our Charleston Heavy Lift team first discharged the five exhaust hoods from the barge and loaded them onto trucks for delivery to Macon. The Charleston Heavy Lift Team then discharged the Yankee Dryer from a container vessel at Wando Terminal with our 500 ton floating derrick Ocean Ranger, and loaded it onto the RWS 1501 with the two Tadd Rolls. Our shipyard crew secured the pieces for inland transit and our tug Island Fox pushed the three pieces down to Brunswick via the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway. On arrival in Brunswick, we partnered with T&T Salvage to utilize their floating crane Pacific to swing the pieces from the RWS 1501 onto three trucks for the final leg of the trip.

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